Climate Control with Arduino Technology

Understanding the environment inside the greenhouse is crucial, especially for those of us who extend our gardening into the winter months.

Greenhouse Monitoring System: The Core of Climate Control

Understanding the environment inside the greenhouse is crucial, especially for those of us who extend our gardening into the winter months.

We employ Arduinos along with various sensors for temperature, humidity, and moisture to monitor conditions within our greenhouse. This technology provides real-time insights, particularly beneficial for our pit greenhouse setup, which can be observed in action via our website.

DIY Greenhouse Monitoring

This greenhouse features raised beds for planting and will be equipped with an external cover and additional row coverings for extra insulation during colder periods. The objective is to monitor air temperature within the greenhouse, beneath the row coverings, and outside. Monitoring soil temperature in the planting beds, and potentially, one soil temperature reading from outside, is also planned.

Know Your System

Understanding the environment inside the greenhouse is crucial, especially for those of us who extend our gardening into the winter months.

We employ Arduinos along with various sensors for temperature, humidity, and moisture to monitor conditions within our greenhouse. This technology provides real-time insights, particularly beneficial for our pit greenhouse setup, which can be observed in action via our website.

The system comprises:

  1. Arduino Mega 2560: The brain of the operation.
  2. Ethernet Shield W5100 for Arduino R3 Mega 2560: Allows for network connectivity.
  3. Wired Ethernet Connection: Ensures reliable data transmission.
  4. Breadboard and LCD Display: Essential for setting up the system and displaying information.
  5. DHT11 and DHT22: Sensors for measuring temperature and humidity.
  6. DS18b20 (3 units): Waterproof sensors for monitoring soil and water temperature.
  7. DS3231: A clock module to maintain time, powered by a 2302 battery.

Tracking the Output

For beginners in programming, the recommended approach is to test each component individually before integrating them into the main system. This overview is not a programming tutorial but rather a sketch of the components used to build the system.

Using the Arduino IDE, each component’s functionality is verified through specific sketches (code) before integration. Ensuring correct wiring and functionality of individual elements is crucial before they are added to the main setup. Regular backups of these sketches are advisable as a precaution against potential issues.