One of the benefits of companion planting is luring the bees and pollinators into the garden. I was amazed this year (2015) at how many people are self-pollinating their plants.
Yes, I have tried the method to experiment. But I would rather plant edible flowers in with the veggies, my garden looks better to me and to the bees! First a word of caution. Not all flowers are edible and some are deadly. Be sure and check your sources and know what is safe. The grandsons and I have a list of what we can eat. They have to ask me each year before they can eat the flowers.
Here is a list of flowers we enjoy eating:
- Chamomile
- Cilantro (be careful this spreads!)
- Dill
- Johnny Jump Ups
- Kale
- Lavender
- Lemon berbena
- Mint
- Nasturtium
- Oregano
- Pansies. Dallas prefers the blue, Aiden like the yellow flowers.
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Squash and pumpkin
- Sunflowers
- Violets
We now have all the bugs in the garden and now we want to keep a few bugs away….. Ironic isn’t it? But we just tempted in the dreaded aphid. The nemesis of any gardener. What can we plant to help with aphid control?
Aphid Predator Control
Mint, fennel, dill, yarrow, clover, and dandelions are known to attract lacewings and ladybugs Placing these plants around the plants you wish to protect may draw predators capable of controlling the aphid population.
Aphid Smell Control
This is probably my favorite section of companion gardening. I love my chives! They keep aphids AND squash beetles away. They have a great purple flower, spread like crazy. But! Onions are deadly to dogs so please be careful. Good friends lost their dog to onions thrown on a compost heap. The dog chewed on them and died.
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